For me, the word so at the beginning of a sentence is a conjunctive adverb like therefore. There are … However, you can start a sentence with "however." “I’m not racist, but …” That’s a really big but. Also, many employees are being laid off". Starting a sentence with also is very common in writing. Exception: When you flip the order of your clauses and put a comma between them, your sentence will start with “because” and still be correct. 5. —Documents of the School Committee of the City of Boston, 1916. Using moreover or finally instead of plus would be correct and far better. If it is, please could you give me a few examples. As a matter of fact – this English phrase is a substitute for the word “actually”, and considering that you can use “actually” in almost any sentence, it only stands to reason that “as a matter of fact” can also be used to start any sentence: “I don’t know where Bjorg is … Learning Support @ Student Success 0800 762 786 It can sometimes be difficult to start a sentence to express ideas, or find words to show the relationship between ideas. Anything that starts with although is an extra idea. You will be liberated! A coordinating conjunction is a word that we use to connect or join words, phrases, and clauses that are related or are logical equals. When also is used at the beginning of a sentence, it emphasizes what follows or adds a new idea or topic. Examples of sentences starting with also/Can you start a sentence with also? Otherwise, you end up with a fragmented sentence. You can use "also" at the beginning of a sentence to introduce more information to a previous fact, for instance: "The economy in the USA is going through rough times these days. Identify the contrast you want to communicate. . In fact, starting a sentence with "however" is a clear way to link a new sentence to the previous sentence, which is the primary function of a conjunctive adverb like "however." It helps prevent people from linking together unrelated sentences and the word "and" is still a word nonetheless. Begin a sentence with a prepositional phrase and end it with the subject: From out of … According to a usage note in the fourth edition of The American Heritage Dictionary, " But may be used to begin a sentence at all levels of style." 'As also' sounds more like a prepositional phrase; depending on the rest of the sentence this could be perfectly fine, or if the prepositional phrase stands alone, then not fine. Can you start a sentence with and? Please don't ask me about 2nd conditionals, but I'm a safe bet for what reads well in (American) English. Also, is this kind of usage fairly modern or is it informal/ casual? 3. Just because it is used to link two sentences together does not/ should not prevent anyone from starting a sentence with the word. But can you start sentences with these words? This usage is very much correct. Especially when you are continuing the sentence from the other person. Let's look at an example conversation: Pers... You can also bury a however that means “nevertheless” in the middle of your sentence. Teach the elimination of but, so, and, because, at the beginning of a sentence. (Think of a garage – nice to have, but you need a house to go with it.) Doing so to this sentence would result in "I … also works like a clue in a sentence to help readers identify examples: Jenny can say over fifty different words in French, e.g., bonjour, joie, effroi. Also can start a sentence and link it with a previous one to express addition. There seems to be no justification for such usage. If you want to show a contrast, then you may want to use “although” in your sentence. Also at the beginning of a sentence examples: Can you start a sentence with also? Thank you so much! —J. Use an infinitive phrase as a subject: To get a head start was his goal. That is totally fine. Just contact us. I completely disagree, you can in fact start a sentence with the word "and." Yes. Also, it's fine to start a sentence with And , But and many other words (mostly conjunctions) that some people are convinced they shouldn't... You might do this to avoid using it at the beginning when you are insecure about your audience, or you might do it because it makes sense with the rhythm of your sentence. As noted by other commenters, some writers prefer to avoid "Also, .. " in formal writing. But there is one use of 'also' at the start of a sentence... That rules out starting sentences with either \'and\' or \'but\' when writing. Today, I am here to set you free from one of the shibboleths of grammar. So, even if it’s an answer to a question, it would still be a fragment without the preceding part. e.g. Is it ok to use 'as well as' at the beginning of a sentence? Example 1 below is used in a paragraph about the importance of learning English. And in "The King's English", Kingsley Amis says that "the idea that and must not begin a sentence or even a paragraph, is … Sentence starters, transitional and other useful words We can help you to succeed in your studies on or off campus. Other examples are: Furthermore, we have exhausted all the other options. Yes, that is standard contemporary English. , For example: "Drink lots of water when you have a cold" vs. "When you have a cold, drink lots of water". Another possibility is to begin the second sentence with a transition word or phrase with a similar meaning, such as however, like this: Squiggly turned in his application on time. There are two ways to use not only, but also. This particularly applies to the word “also”, but other adverbs are commonly misplaced too. Many school teachers and style guides say to not start a sentence with a conjunction. Re: Starting a sentence with the word 'After'. As always, it's not a matter of what's correct, but rather of what works in a given context. Starting a sentence with also may be effective for s... You can use it in the middle and end of the sentence, or you can actually use it to start a sentence with not only. A sentence can start with “because” only when it’s followed by a complete independent clause. Is it acceptable to begin a sentence with the word and or but? M. D. Meiklejohn, The Art of Writing English, 1899. Answer: Using one of these sentence starters is a good way to write a more interesting sentence for your "hook." Can you start a sentence with so? It is perfectly acceptable to start a sentence with "however.". In fact, starting a sentence with "however" should be encouraged not discouraged. Here are the options: I like oats. However, I cannot eat granola bars. (This is the most common way of using "however.") I like oats; however, I cannot eat granola bars. However, he forgot to include his application fee. No matter what the word is, you never want to start too many consecutive sentences with the same word. The overuse of “and” and “but” in spoken English is likely the main reason our teachers forbid us from starting a sentence with them in our writing! . These are the words like so, but, or, yet, and, forthat we mentioned earlier. Informal: But we hope to write an agreement today. How to Use 'However' in the Middle of a Sentence. They are: For And Nor But Or Yet So They are easy to remember because they create the acronym, FANBOYS. When a coordinating conjunction starts a sentence, it is not being used to join like terms but as a link between two sentences (i.e., like a conjunctive adverb). Certainly, it is correct to begin a sentence with also. As we mentioned, it helps to join thoughts together, so it is useful in science when trying to make cohesive links between sections. 4. However, IMHO, to say that it is bad practice to start a sentence with "here" is too sweeping. When using not only . I'm not a teacher, but I write for a living. I also have to consider the source. It means that the words following both parts of this correlative conjunction (i.e., not only and but also) should belong to the same parts of speech.For example, if a verb follows not only, then a verb should also follow but also.Using different parts of speech after each part of not only . A Conjunction at the Beginning of a Sentence Creates a Different Feeling Starting a sentence with also It is acceptable to begin a sentence with also. However, it is slightly informal. We can leave out also when the sentence sounds natural without it. Also, "that is" must be able to be replaced by the phrase "in other words", and the sentence will still be correct and fluid. Starting a Sentence with "However" For no good reason, lots of writers dislike starting a sentence with "however." Never begin a sentence—or a clause—with also. You are not supposed to start a sentence with and, but, or, nor in formal writing. But if you were using it at the beginning of a sentence as a synonym for “Thus,” I wouldn’t tend to use the comma: “So Caesar proceeded to the Forum…” Jasmine on October 24, 2019 5:40 pm The issue comes in what different people think “so” is, or at least in how they use it. All adverbs ( also inclusive) can be used at the beginning of a sentence with the proper punctuation. For instance, the first sentence in this answer begins with an adverb. You’ll find it a widespread occurrence, even in scientific writing. Banks are struggling and the value of homes is rising. And a comma is needed to set off the introductory element. When we do this, we invert the subject and the verb. Can you start a sentence with 'also'? It can’t stand alone: You have to attach it to a complete sentence. M. It also helps to start with an example or a story which will get your reader involved in your paper. The answer is yes. “Although,” similar to “despite” and “in spite of,” is a way explaining a contrast, which is when two things are at odds. In writing, what is placed as the subject, or at the head of a sentence, makes a difference to the focus, clarity or effectiveness of the message. Burchfield in Fowler's Modern English Usage advises against it. He says it is now quite frequent, but still a "marked feature of uneducated speec... Mar 13 2012 05:11:20. anonymous + 0. Navneet kaur. Questions can be a good starting sentence, … but also in a sentence, parallelism should be the goal. . It is correct as long as you are continuing a line of thought, but you should limit its use to an informal register. Formal register, however, will... I faithfully learned the rule. The rule is that you can’t start a sentence with “because” as it should only be used to join the main clause with a dependent clause. Start with a correlative conjunction (neither … nor, either … or, not only … but/also, etc. Consider the following examples with “also”: WRONG We included also the information that the holiday year starts on 1 January. We can use not only at the beginning of a clause. At school, we were taught you should never, ever, under any circumstances start a sentence with a conjunction. ): Either she will improve now or she will remain a weak writer. Can you start a sentence with yet? Yes. Also, it's fine to start a sentence with And, But and many other words (mostly conjunctions) that some people are convinced they shouldn't start with. But sentences starting with And, But and many other words (mostly conjunctions) will mostly apply to informal registers, like this one. If formality is your goal, choose more formal language. Clues. . Beginning a Certainly , it is correct to begin a sentence with also . All adverbs ( also inclusive) can be used at the beginning of a sentence with the prope... So, I would use a comma in both instances. This is where it gets a little more interesting. “It negates your previous clause,” says Dr. Tausig, so … All in all, it should be obvious to you that the word plus sits uncomfortably at the beginning of a sentence or at the beginning of an independent clause. One of the most common mistakes associated with word order is the tendency to put adverbs in the wrong place. All About Also: The word ''also'' is a common one to find in writing because it is a very useful adverb that basically means ''in addition''. If you read the book, you will notice that Nabokov sometimes starts sentences with conjunctions.

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