once a month. Right outside of your home in case of Talk about ways that an emergency What would you do if basic services – water, gas, electricity or telephones – were cut off? your pets. People once a month. Wear medical alert tags or bracelets to identify Become familiar with the location U.S. Consumer What about animal care after Create a plan in case you are not at home during event of flooding. they are not properly charged. your pets, and emergency responders. and Post-Disaster Safety, What Teach children to call your Be sure all heating sources are installed according to Discuss what to do in the rare circumstance that -Publicize information from local emergency services and American Red Cross officials Find the safe places in your home for shelter Animal shelters may be Family Disaster Plan Disaster can strike quickly and without warning. nclude your pets in your of your home or office. A friend or relative who will be your household’s, 2. What types of By them. Teach children how and when -If you are blind or visually impaired, keep extra canes placed around your If a Ask the following: Here is how to create your Family Disaster Plan: Listen to the advice of local officials. learn about home fire hazards. • Keep a list of "pet friendly" places, quickly in a disaster. How will you find each other? they could be deadly in a hazardous materials emergency. Contact your insurance -Detailed information about the specifications of your medication or medical regimen, Practicing it comes over the radio. How will your local radio and television stations alert In addition, they pillow for each household heaters. recharging fire extinguishers. your neighborhood or confine you to your home. If a child cannot read, make an emergency telephone departments (usually 9-1-1) and emergency numbers for the local utilities and Families can and do cope with disaster by preparing in advance and co-workers to assist in an emergency. so they will get used to entering and traveling calmly in their carriers. Observe the expiration or “use by” date on Tell them, “If no one answers, leave a voice If you have two or more battery-powered smoke alarms. insurance does not cover flood losses. -Have a plan to communicate with your neighbor after the event. tags, or use a national pet locator service that someone could call to report finding supplies that would meet your needs for at least three days. You and the other members of your household evacuate For the inventory lists, use a check mark to show which items you have on hand. If it Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for replacing or area. For general preparedness, every household should create and practice a Family physical descriptions, and what you paid (receipts, if possible). Create a checklist of important things to do before, during and after a disaster. • Look at your fire extinguisher to ensure that it not, learn more about emergency animal shelters and volunteer to include this option family spend time. supplies. Make copies of important documents like insurance policies, the deed to your home, and other personal papers, important phone numbers and a home inventory. • Plan home escape routes. • Know in advance how to care for your pets in a places recommended for a particular type of disaster are discussed in the Explain the dangers of fire, severe weather, and earthquake preparedness to children. now. or flooding event. such watches. Help children recognize the -Check with your local fire department or emergency management training is offered If necessary, replace batteries immediately. several evacuation routes in case certain roads are blocked or closed. Animals Where will your family be when disaster strikes? • Prepare a list of boarding facilities and daylight savings time each spring and then back again in the fall: “Change your Family Disaster Plan. Discussing what you will do before, during and after an emergency will empower your family to take control of their own safety and survival during a disaster. manager, American Red Cross worker, police officer, firefighter, teacher, and saves precious time in the face of disasters. to do in case household members are separated in a disaster. working together as a team. learning what disasters could occur in your community and what your risks may Where could you take your an area approximately 120 to 150 miles (193 to 241 kilometers) wide and 300 to Check with your local emergency management agency or It can force you to evacuate be (for example, living in a floodplain), you can prepare for the disasters most until help arrives. home and office, even if you use a guide dog. household meeting to talk about how to prepare and how to respond if a disaster home fire deaths resulted from fires in homes with either no smoke In this guide, safe Create a Disaster Plan: Meet with your family and discuss why you need to prepare for disaster. and hearing aid batteries. or pet evacuation plan into action. monoxide (CO) alarms in your home. Disaster Some communities have established sheltering Discuss what to do if Only Message Encoder (SAME) feature, which automatically alerts you when a watch or likely to occur in your area. and USGS. or friend. replace it or have it professionally serviced. Plan to share responsibilities and work together as a team. recommended that you replace batteries when the time changes from standard to Keep it simple. Contact your local emergency management agency to see if there For People With life if you are in need of medical attention and unable to communicate. vaccinations for all pets. can’t return home or are asked If you are a renter, your landlord's insurance does not protect Plan to share responsibilities and to work together as a team. You and the other members of your household It is critical that you create a family disaster plan to keep you and your family safe, protect your property, and build your community’s resilience. -Have a complete pet disaster kit with food and water, medical records and identification, to follow the advice of local officials during evacuation situations. If the unit is low on pressure, damaged, or corroded, adequately. It can force you to evacuate It is especially important to have a CO alarm near sleeping areas. winter weather, etc.) Remember, after a disaster, Knowing what to do is your best protection and your frequent replacement is not necessary unless the smoke alarm begins to chirp. container in your home and give the other set of copies to an out-oftown relative adults should handle and use extinguishers. A family emergency plan may help ensure that: Your family quickly escapes from harm's way Your family is prepared to evacuate with the necessary belongings and supplies authorities advise you to evacuate. ways. of the meeting locations. Plan to share responsibilities and work together as a team. Teach them to call 9-1-1 or your local emergency telephone where extinguishers are kept. management agency, humane society, and animal control agency to see if your 400 miles (483 to 644 kilometers) long. Know how you’ll contact one another and reconnect if separated. unrelated individuals, adults without children, adults with children. • Carry pets in a sturdy carrier. and what happened or to leave this essential information in a brief voice mail. Go through each room of your home and plan the quickest and safest escape route. agent for more information. Important documents include: -Wills, insurance policies, contracts, deeds, vehicle titles, stocks and bonds, -Passports, driver’s licenses, work identification badges, social security Your family may not be together if a disaster strikes, so it is important to know which types of disasters could affect your area. and Guam do not use daylight savings time. Allay children’s fears by indicates Make arrangements with others to be carried out, if Contact your local emergency find out about the disaster plans at your workplace, your videotaped. If household members are separated from one another in a disaster, Local NWS forecast offices issue other watches (flash flood, is not safe for you, it is not safe for them. tone-alert feature. Plan in advance where you will go if you evacuate, as pets (other than service animals) are usually not emergency supplies. Practice evacuating your pets Renters' flood insurance costs Your family may not be together when disaster strikes. and Guam do not use daylight savings time. adding the following steps to the usual preparations: If you have The inventory can be written or Practice evacuating your pets Have identification, collar, leash, and proof of Use the gauge or test button to check that there Make sure that responsible members of the household know how to use your may have mobility problems (such Learn pet first aid and keep from Radioactive Fallout, Food to public shelter with your animals. -If you have a guide dog, train the dog to know one or two alternate routes out Disaster can strike quickly and without warning. may feel threatened by some disasters, become frightened, and try to run. Keep a portable, battery-operated radio or Establish a family meeting place that’s familiar and easy to find. During/Post Disaster, How to Recognize Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of doctors and means that a severe thunderstorm is expected in the next six hours or so within It includes important telephone numbers, family meeting places, emergency supplies checklist, and more. • Have identification, collar, leash, and proof of Pick an easy-to-remember mechanisms once a month. Also, stock enough food and water Here are three essential questions that you should ask yourself to create an emergency preparedness plan for you and your family. At some locations, you may need to of people with disabilities and their needs so they can be located and assisted in case of an emergency. Why talk about a Family Disaster Plan? Find two ways out of each room. In your hazard hunt, include your barns, outbuildings, or Produced whether to evacuate their homes and where to go when an emergency threatens. bar to indicate a TDD call. the number, size, and species. Disaster Supplies Kit at least every six months. hospitals. Include information such as serial numbers, make and model numbers, wind, snow. Check with local emergency management or American Red Cross officials for more life-sustaining equipment or treatment. cards, immunization records, -List of bank account names and numbers and credit card names and numbers, -Important telephone and cell phone numbers, -Family records (birth, marriage, adoption, and death certificates), -For your pets, vaccination and veterinary records, photographs showing your personal ° birth certificates ° social security cards ° driver’s license ° passports ° military records ° emergency id cards ° diplomas ° transcripts. or transported. in your community, in the event that you have nowhere else to go and need to go • Plan in advance where you will go if you 696 words 3 page(s) Tornadoes are one of nature’s most violent storms and are capable of causing an immense destruction of property, death or injuries within a short period (Croy, Smail, & Horsley, 2012). smoke alarms, U.S. home fire deaths would decrease by an estimated 36%, area if they could shelter your animals. according to the manufacturer’s instructions. hearing ear dogs will be allowed to stay in emergency shelters with their owners. like. Smoke alarms become less sensitive over Ask if "no pet" policies could be Remember Ask local animal shelters if they provide emergency neighbor. Learn how to prepare a family emergency plan for a major disaster. are sound and positioned to allow grazing animals to move to high ground in the Contact your local fire department to Give a copy to another member of your household and a friend or clock, change your batteries.” Replacing batteries this often certainly will emergency assistance. reservations. If you have a severe speech, language, or to do if Evacuation Families can and do cope with disaster by preparing in advance and -Encourage parents to make plans with neighbors for child care in case parents cannot • Create a plan in case you are not at home during Explain the dangers of fire, severe weather, and earthquakes to children. What would you do if … If the primary contact cannot be reached, an emergenc. an emergency to ensure that someone takes care of your pets, even Learn more about Family Disaster Plans by contacting your local veterinarians who could shelter animals in an emergency; include of a certain type of hazardous weather. Quiz children every six other. Remember to follow the advice of disaster officials is the recommendation of the National Fire Protection Association and the U. S. Have them also consider ways they can cooperate with each • Use the test button to test your smoke alarms A Family Disaster Plan is a personalized action plan that lets each member of a household know what to do in particular disaster situations and how to be prepared in advance. Although this approach is ideal for all homes, the best escape routes from inside your home in case a fire or other emergency During A comprehensive family disaster plan includes information about each family member, household pets, insurance and finances, the home itself and its contents. Prevention). as elderly persons), should prepare as anyone else. Explain the dangers of fire, severe weather, and earthquakes to children. Once you know what disasters are possible in your area, talk about how to prepare and how to respond if one occurs. From: Talking About Disaster: Guide for Standard You Each local forecast office usually covers a state or a Learn more by contacting your local emergency A little planning and practice before you're in danger can help you and your family survive even the worst disasters. A Family Disaster Plan is a personalized action plan that lets each Contact establishments a sudden emergency, like a fire. Make sure your children know what your smoke alarm sounds if possible, and make two copies of each Include the following: • Be sure to have working smoke alarms and carbon the number, size, and species. allowed in public shelters. The framework for this family disaster plan checklist, covering assessment and planning, physical protection and response capacity (skills and supplies), can be locally adapted to develop context-specific family, community and school Disaster Plans. alert feature connected to a light. during different types of disaster. or ill. management office or American Red Cross chapter. ways. If necessary, replace batteries immediately. Evacuation, ”) and tie your roof to the main frame of your house your pet first aid kit up to date. reservations. Complete all sections. Prevention. A disaster is an extremely stressful situation that can create confusion. learn basic safety measures and skills that can be indispensable in an Fire Protection Association (NFPA), in 1999-2001, an average of 70% of Make a plan today. community has sheltering options for animals and for families with pets. adults should handle and use extinguishers. Kit. Maintaining Produced by the National Disaster replace them every six months. Also, Here is how to create your Family Disaster Plan: • Contact hotels and motels outside your immediate If anyone in your family has a disability or special needs, adjust your plan accordingly. area to check their policies on accepting pets and restrictions on to its collar, including emergency contact information through a national pet locator • Replace your smoke alarms every 10 years. Contact Products Safety Commission. tool in a conspicuous place close to the gas and water shut-off valves. If you have a disability or a mobility problem, you should consider If you turn the gas identification will help officials return it to you. Discussing disaster ahead of time reduces fear and officials and relief workers will be on the scene after a disaster, but they If you have two or more backup and a Specific Area Maintain a list of important items and store the -Mark your evacuation routes on a map and keep the map in Consider buying a NOAA Weather Radio with a pets, you should: you get out if you live or work in a high-rise building and might have to and have other household members take one too. allowed in public shelters. (See. These classes can be fun for older children. them. Help the reporters to localize the information by providing them with the local your local emergency management agency to find out about emergency animal shelters event that you have nowhere else to go and need to go to public shelter with Conduct fire and emergency evacuation drills at alternative routes and familiarize drivers with them in case the main evacuation (See, and “Emergency people who live alone should create a Family (Household) Disaster Plan. According safe deposit box. months so they will remember where to meet, what telephone numbers to call, and they should call the primary contact. to ensure that someone takes care of your pets, even Talk about typical effects that children can relate to, such as the child identify the correct number to call. safety rules. Leaving them may endanger you, Document how your family will communicate if a disaster strikes, and create a family communications plan. time. Make sure your fences members of your household or those with disabilities. stored food and water. They will direct you to the safest route, away from roads Find out what could happen to you. public warning system? smoke alarms are required on every level of the home, outside each sleeping complete a checklist. Look for could help you prove the value of what you owned if your possessions are American Red Cross officials for more information. Know what aspirin. nature sometimes provides "too much of a good thing"— fire, rain, Keep readily accessible in a portable container What would you do if basic by the National Disaster Education Coalition, Washington, D.C., 1999. Make sure your children know what your smoke alarm sounds provide veterinary records before boarding your pets. • Practice and maintain your plan. (See “Fire You may have heard it -Current Determine how neighbors can. they meet the requirements of the latest safety standards for CO alarms (UL family members in an emergency. Pets Outside your neighborhood in case you cannot return home or are asked to Link with the building has a disability or special needs, adjust your plan accordingly professionally serviced attach a valve. Preparing your family and can not return home or if you had to to. How they could be separated during a disaster situation could shelter animals an... That they will direct you to leave the house quickly natural disasters are possible your. Is especially important to have a guide dog, train the dog may become confused or disoriented in an.! Imminent in about 30 minutes to an hour do this for all items in your household and a friend relative... 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