In this video, Florence and Robert Estrin approach the concept of "legato-tonguing" on the flute, which, in music, is known as "portato." The legato inter-note transitions work for all intervals up to an octave in both directions. Legato is often indicated by a slur drawn over the effected notes or as a line over the notes which are meant to be performed in this manner. observed a rehearsal or even watched a movie or TV show about music will have heard this term But I just ran across "ben legato" in a Brahms piano piece and I don't know if it means more, less, or whatever. observed a rehearsal or even watched a movie or TV show about music will have heard this term 最寄り駅|東京メトロ銀座線・千代田線「表参道駅」A1出口より徒歩3分 Meaning: Connecting the notes; in music The Italian word "Legato" (literally meaning tied together) indicates that musical notes should be played or sung smoothly. Most people - especially musicians - know that Mono is short for monophonic, which means one note at a time and Poly means polyphonic - multiple notes at the same time. Legato is an articulation technique for both singers and instrumentalists. Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). Learn a new word every day. The difference between legato and staccato starts with articulation technique, but these effectively change the entire character of the music. There is an intermediate articulation called either mezzo staccato or non legato. Learn more. These guitar practice tips help your legato playing improve and make your guitar technique feel effortless: Legato Guitar Practice Tip 1: Articulate The String More Often With The Pick. Legato means also that you have to perform a musical line in a graceful, connected style, as opposed to staccato. In this series you’ll learn everything you need to read music. Legato is a technique, whereas a slur is a marking. The point of this bass technique lesson is to firstly understand the concept of legato vs. staccato notes, and secondly to focus on and develop these articulations in your playing. It also notes that for classical singing, legato is a default state, if you're not told to emphasize the attack part of notes, you run phrases together. In classical singing, legato means a string of sustained vowels with minimal interruption from consonants. This week's Quiz & Piano challenge with Legato Watch clip for clues! More example sentences. In context|music|lang=en terms the difference between slur and legato is that slur is (music) to play legato or without separate articulation while legato is (music) a slur curve above or below a passage of notes indicating that they should be played in a legato manner. A legato line is a smooth vocal line with no bumps, breaks or âhâsâ. In this lesson you’ll learn about staccato and Legato. One of the most effective ways to get a smooth vocal line into a song is to practice the line on a gentle âedgeâ type of sound, usually on an âMâ or an âNG.â legato means smooth and connected in music ways. âAn emphasis on slower tempos gives Black the opportunity to show off her very accomplished legato playing.â. Domain category: music (an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner). Itâs the opposite of staccato (short and separated). Many players use the legato technique, including Allan Holdsworth, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen and many others. I know what legato means (i.e. The opposite musical articulation of staccato is legato, signifying long and continuous notes. Send us feedback. a sequence of single notes that is musically satisfying. In music for wind or stringed instruments the curve covers as many notes as are to be played with a single breath, or a … Legato definition, smooth and connected; without breaks between the successive tones. The development of commercial analogue synths in the 60s and early 70s led to the introduction of new legato options. Besides the earliest analog synths, many acoustic instruments share the playing limitation of being monophonic: pretty much all winds, Staccato is the traditional way to dance Tango, since Tango music is traditionally staccato, and you should be able to perform every figure with a staccato action. the big dog). For greater musical expression, the performer may stretch certain beats, measures, or phrases and compact others. Although glide is normally applied to every note you play when engaged, the LEGATO GLIDE function causes glide to occur only when you press a key while still holding a previous key. Staccato. 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'? The development of commercial analogue synths in the 60s and early 70s led to the introduction of new legato options. Besides the earliest analog synths, many acoustic instruments share the playing limitation of being monophonic: pretty much all winds, in a smooth, flowing manner, without breaks between notes. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! See the full definition for legato in the English Language Learners Dictionary. Accessed 14 Dec. 2020. Antonym: staccato ((music) marked by or composed of disconnected parts or sounds; cut short crisply) ⢠LEGATO (adverb) Sense 1. Are you ready? Legato means also that you have to perform a musical line in a graceful, connected style, as opposed to staccato. In music for Classical string instruments, legato is an articulation that often refers to notes played with a full bow, and played with the shortest silence, often barely perceptible, between notes. As for what a slur denotes, Wikipedia does a pretty good job of handling the distinction between that and legato (see Slur and Legato).The most relevant quote from the legato article: The term staccato (pronounced "stuh-caw-toe") means detached, or separated, notes. Delivered to your inbox! One of the most effective ways to get a smooth vocal line into a song is to practice the line on a gentle “edge” type of sound, usually on an “M” or an “NG.” The notes kind of "slide" from one to the next. The opposite of ‘staccato’, whereby the notes are played abruptly and percussively, legato gives a smooth, flowing sound to the music. Legato DEFINITION A directive to perform a certain passage of a composition in a smooth, graceful, connected style, as opposed to staccato. Find more Italian words at! Rubato, (from Italian rubare, âto robâ), in music, subtle rhythmic manipulation and nuance in performance. In the manga, the skull on Legato's left arm opens up to reveal a mechanical spindle with all the micro-wires he uses to control people. 定休日|月・木, セーラー万年筆 万年筆 プロフェッショナルギアΣ 細字 11-3558-220 マットブラック, おまけ付き 送料無料 モンブラン ボールペン マイスターシュテュック プラチナライン ル・グラン P161 7569 ブラック シルバーカラー 黒 銀色 油性 MONTBLANC 高級筆記具 ブランド 筆記用具 海外メーカー [成人式 昇進祝い 就職祝い 父の日 バレンタイン クリスマス][BP], 【高級ボールペン】カヴェコ ボールペン ACスポーツ シルバー【送料無料・ラッピング無料】【KAWECO】【Ballpoint pen】【 プレゼント ギフト 】【万年筆・ボールペンのペンハウス】 (11000), 【送料無料】 YARD・O・LED ヤード・オ・レッド ボールペン パーフェクタ ビクトリアン 【正規品】, 三菱鉛筆3色ボールペンクリフターSE3-304箱あり (50本入)入学・卒業記念・就職祝い・ ノベルティ・粗品・販促品, クロス CROSS タウンゼント TOWNSEND ボールペン AT0042TW-1 プラチナ/シルバー ディズニーノート付き, ボールペン 名入れ モンブラン 25602 スターウォーカー 8485 名入れ無料 送料無料 包装無料 プラチナレジン ファインライナー/ローラーボールペン兼用 ギフト祝い 進級祝い 記念日 高級筆記具 おしゃれ, パイロット ボールペン レディホワイト BD-13SR【包装無料 高級ボールペン 高級 就職 昇進 転職 送別 退職 祝い 女性 ギフト プレゼント メッセージカード 誕生日 母の日 文房具・事務用品 】 (13000), モンテグラッパ ボールペン ドゥカーレ ブラウンエンペラーダ ローズゴールドプレート ISDURBRW【送料無料】【名入れ不可】(34000), 世界で最も高価な希少材 スネークウッド(Snake wood)の木製ボールペン 回転式, PARKER パーカー ボールペン ソネット プレミアム パールPGT 1931555, グッチーニ ( Guzzini ) ラウンドトローリー 0115.0145 オレンジ RGTE104, トーヨータイヤ M131 7.00R15 12PR チューブタイプ◆バン・小型トラック用サマータイヤ, 【送料無料】〔組立設置料込み〕国産 跳ね上げ収納ベッド 〔Freeda〕フリーダ 〔薄型スタンダードポケットコイルマットレス付き〕 横開き セミシングル 深さラージ 〔フレーム色〕ダークブラウン【代引不可】, シマノ(SHIMANO) 17ヴァンキッシュ FW チューン 1000S 03812, Mobil エンジンオイル スーパー 1000 5W-30 SN 鉱物油 20L B00FMVDQ0I, 新品未使用 1993 マン島 1オンス 1クラウン銀貨プルーフ メインクーンキャット, 【送料込】JHS PEDALS Panther Cub V2 アナログ・ディレイペダル【smtb-TK】, イタリア製 ソファーオールカバー 【オレンジ 3人掛け用】 洗える ジャカード織 『ヴィエラ』【代引不可】, インパル レーシングライン GT-06 18インチ 215/40R18 215/40-18 セレナC25.C26.C27 タイヤ付き ホイール 組込・バランス調整 4本セット, ウィーエスシー WeSC シューズ・靴 スニーカー【WeSC Thorpe shoes】, 【送料無料】(業務用300セット) 寺西化学工業 マジックインキ M700-T12 極細 桃【同梱・代引不可】, 【直送】【代引不可】TRUSCO(トラスコ) TUF型中量ボルトレス棚 450kg 単体型 H2100X1555X476 5段 TUF450-75S-5, CGK ドリル研磨機(ドルケン) DL-3 ▼138-1679 シージーケー(株), ピスコ ポリウレタンチューブ オレンジ 8×5 100M UB0850-100-O, お客様組立 国産跳ね上げ収納ベッド Regless リグレス ゼルトスプリングマットレス付き 横開き シングル 深さグランド, 在庫僅少 CB-GFH-2 Iwatani イワタニ カセットガスファンヒーター 風暖 (KAZEDAN)「カセットガス対応」「コードレス」/srm, フランス【Aubade】オーバドゥBOITE A DESIRビキニ(P020)ギフトボックス入り, オートアート 1/18 マクラーレン 675 LT オレンジ 完成品ミニカー 76048, モンブラン アーバンスピード 112686 正規ギフト包装可【2年間★メーカー国際保証付】ボールペン スターウォーカー MONTBLANC STARWALKER URBAN SPEED Ballpoint Pen 正規並行輸入品 ギフト 贈り物. Learn an important flute technique to improve your portato playing. Most people - especially musicians - know that Mono is short for monophonic, which means one note at a time and Poly means polyphonic - multiple notes at the same time. Legato is a style of playing, it refers to a relationship between or among a group of notes. An adjective is a word that describes a noun (e.g. Legato means bound together in Italian. Domain category: music (an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner). Hi Mike, to hear the legato effect in all its glory you need to load a legato patch and play a single-line melody with the notes slightly overlapped. 〒107-0061 東京都港区北青山3-15-13 秀和北青山レジデンス203 Learn more. In popular music genres such as disco, house music and electronic dance music, beatmatching is a technique that DJs use that involves speeding up or slowing down a record (or CDJ player, a speed-adjustable CD player for DJ use) to match the tempo of a previous or subsequent track, so both can be seamlessly mixed. "piu legato" means to make the notes more connected, etc). A legato line is a smooth vocal line with no bumps, breaks or “h’s”. One of the most popular techniques to play portato is to brush the keys with your fingers. What is Legato-Tonguing on the Flute? Staccato is an antonym of legato. The Legato Technique. Legato is a musical performance technique that produces fluid, continuous motion between notes. The sign of legato is a curved line drawn above or beneath the notes. Synonyms: legato; smooth Context example: a legato passage. Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? Legato. Legato. The word legato literally means “connected” or “bound together.” It means that notes follow one another smoothly—legato is the unimpeded constancy of sound and tone. âthe notes were played legato by the bassoonsâ. The word âlegatoâ means that the music is to be played in a smooth and flowing manner, without any breaks between notes. The accurate way to perform this musical p… At more advanced levels, it can come to mean other things as well, such as smooth and connected musical ideas or phrasing that “makes sense” to the ear.. But I just ran across "ben legato" in a Brahms piano piece and I … In a smooth flowing manner, without breaks between notes. How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe... Test your knowledge of the words of the year. When we play guitar legato there is no space between the notes. English words for legato include bound, legate, legacy, legato, ambassador and awkward. Legato definition: to be performed smoothly and connectedly | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples See more. Music. Synth legato and glide. In music, the Italian term "tenuto" is the opposite of staccato. After purchasing a ticket, you will receive an email with a link to the live stream. LCT is commonly used in electronic dance music, particularly in Acid Techno. It is a key characteristic of the bel cantosinging style that prevailed among voice teachers and singers during the 18th century and the first four decades of the 19th century. The bel canto vocal style that dominated 18th and 19th century music made heavy use of legato technique. How do I view a Legato Performance? Legato definition is - in a manner that is smooth and connected (as between successive tones) —used especially as a direction in music. Staccato is the traditional way to dance Tango, since Tango music is traditionally staccato, and you should be able to perform every figure with a staccato action. Beside, it always defines the style in which a passage of the music it marked it will be performed. Antonym: staccato ((music) marked by or composed of disconnected parts or sounds; cut short crisply) • LEGATO (adverb) Sense 1. Legato - Wikipedia Tenuto means to hold some or all notes in a passage for its (their) full length, or, sometimes, a little more. Legato is smooth and silky; staccato is rough and choppy; portato utilizes both: it takes legato and slightly emphasizes, or slightly shortens, the notes like in staccato. The word “legato” means that the music is to be played in a smooth and flowing manner, without any breaks between notes. Legato - Wikipedia Tenuto means to hold some or all notes in a passage for its (their) full length, or, sometimes, a little more. The Tanglewood reception wasn’t extravagant, even though his encore, the Chopin Nocturne in C-sharp minor, showed Lang Lang’s filigree, Jones played the demanding solo part with apparent ease, beauty of tone and, in the Andante, a lovely feel for, Gerstein’s descending figures might have managed the smoothest, Her Azucena is a creation of soaring high notes, fluttering trills, seductive, From my seat the balance favored Ma's fulsome tone by a slight margin; Ax's, Post the Definition of legato to Facebook, Share the Definition of legato on Twitter, We Got You This Article on 'Gift' vs. 'Present'. In classical singing, legato means a string of sustained vowels with minimal interruption from consonants. Legato means âsmooth and connectedâ. Legato. Usually the most prevalent iss… There are many terms in music that come from the Italian language, and “legato” is one of them. It is merely decorative in the anime. Synonyms: legato; smooth Context example: a legato passage. A legato slide differs in that the string is struck only for the first note. It’s the opposite of staccato (short and separated).. The technique is seldom indicated on a musical score but may be utilized By default, in the music notation program Sibelius, "staccatos shorten a note by 50%." In vocal music legato singing involves sustaining a series of vowels with minimal interruption from consonants. In other words when you play legatothere should be no silence as you move from note to note. Tenuto notes are played in a connected style, rather than the separated style of staccato. What does "ben legato" (in music) mean? So, what is Legato? In other words when you play legatothere should be no silence as you move from note to note. Legato is a live stream platform created to live stream professional musical performances to audiences around the globe. The same set of notes with the same duration and dynamics can sound entirely different when played with either legato or staccato technique. Playing the piano in a legato style means that each individual note has some connectivity to the next note. Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way. legato meaning: 1. used to describe music that is played in a smooth, continuous way, or this way of playing musicâ¦. That means there is no perceivable silence between two notes played one after another. In classical singing, legato means a string of sustained vowels with minimal interruption from consonants. Meaning to âPlay Smoothlyâ, the legato technique is used to create a flowing sound and can be used to good effect to inject a little speed into your playing. THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: What note is The Smooth Snake standing on for a … ‘It was an impressive performance with many haunting moments, wonderful legato sections and beautifully sustained final notes.’ ‘His legato approach seems to add tension to the hand and produce a heavier sound.’ ‘Play it forte and legato while playing the rest of the chord piano and staccato.’ The first slide pictured is a shift slide; the second is a legato slide. Legato DEFINITION A directive to perform a certain passage of a composition in a smooth, graceful, connected style, as opposed to staccato. Playing the piano in a legato style means that each individual note has some connectivity to ⦠Legato is a technique, whereas a slur is a marking. decrescendo (or diminuendo sign) In music, a decrescendo means to gradually get softer (gradually play the music softer) Melody. 営業時間|10:30~15:00 Find more Italian words at! On a string instrument such as violin, viola, cello, or double bass, multiple notes are sounded on a single bow stroke. The literal meaning of legato is ‘tied together’ but in musical terms it means that you should play the notes in a smooth manner, not leaving any space between one note and the next. Legato is a style of playing, it refers to a relationship between or among a group of notes. Most early synths were monophonic (capable of playing only one note at a time) and manufacturers soon started to introduce ‘glide’ or ‘portamento’ settings, which allowed the synth to slide in pitch from one note to the next. What made you want to look up legato? Legato means “smooth and connected”. On Subsequent 37 LEGATO and ON must both be illuminated for LEGATO GLIDE to take effect. In legato, musical notes are sung or played smoothly connected. Do this as part of your warm up to make the lick you are practicing feel easier and sound cleaner at faster speeds. Build a city of skyscrapers—one synonym at a time. (This overlapping triggers the legato transition.) Legato is often indicated by a slur drawn over the effected notes or as a line over the notes which are meant to be performed in this manner. Each singular note is played to its maximum length or duration and then links and blends directly into whatever note that follow. I know what legato means (i.e. It also notes that for classical singing, legato is a default state, if you're not told to emphasize the attack part of notes, you run phrases together. On the other hand, legato is less effective when lyrics need to be clearly articulated. Which of the following words shares a root with. In Western Classical vocal music, singers generally use it on any phrase without explicit articulation marks. Legato comes from the Italian word âlegareâ, which means to tie or bind. What made you want to look up legato? It is often indicated by a slur over the effected notes or as an accent mark with a line over the notes to be performed in this manner. adverb. Legato is the indication for the movement of entire composition to play smoothly. This term is used to indicate that there is no pause … A few tablature writers do not distinguish between the two slides, using only shift slide notation. ... dim. What is the meaning of non staccato? Most early synths were monophonic (capable of playing only one note at a time) and manufacturers soon started to introduce âglideâ or âportamentoâ settings, which allowed the synth to slide in pitch from one note to the next. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'legato.' legato meaning: 1. used to describe music that is played in a smooth, continuous way, or this way of playing music…. Legato. Usually referred to as the line, a good, smooth legato is still necessary for successful classical singers. with each sound or note sharply detached or separated from the others. Synth legato and glide. It is often indicated by a slur over the effected notes or as an accent mark with a line over the notes to be performed in this manner. At more advanced levels, it can come to mean other things as well, such as smooth and connected musical ⦠Musically, when notes are "legato", they are played so that the transitions between the notes are blended together, rather than played as distinct separate notes where one is ended and the next one is distinctly started. English words for legato include bound, legate, legacy, legato, ambassador and awkward. Legato means bound together in Italian. En legato, las notas musicales se cantan o te tocan suavemente ligadas. “Legato.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, The accurate way to perform this musical ph⦠In context|music|lang=en terms the difference between legato and staccato is that legato is (music) a slur curve above or below a passage of notes indicating that they should be played in a legato manner while staccato is (music) describing a passage having this mark. Musical symbols are marks and symbols used since about the 13th century in musical notation of musical scores.Some are used to notate pitch, tempo, metre, duration, and articulation of a note or a passage of music. This week's Quiz & Piano challenge with Legato Watch clip for clues! Legato definition: to be performed smoothly and connectedly | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Meaning: Connecting the notes; in music "piu legato" means to make the notes more connected, etc). 正規並行輸入品,SPEED,2年間,スターウォーカー,贈り物,ギフト,メーカー国際保証付,39710円,正規ギフト包装可,MONTBLANC,アーバンスピード,URBAN,文房具・事務用品 ,ボールペン,STARWALKER,Pen, 筆記具 ,モンブラン,112686,Ballpoint, ボールペン 正規並行輸入品,SPEED,2年間,スターウォーカー,贈り物,ギフト,メーカー国際保証付,39710円,正規ギフト包装可,MONTBLANC,アーバンスピード,URBAN,文房具・事務用品 ,ボールペン,STARWALKER,Pen, 筆記具 ,モンブラン,112686,Ballpoint, ボールペン 39710円 ボールペン 筆記具 文房具・事務用品 モンブラン アーバンスピード 112686 正規ギフト包装可 2年間 メーカー国際保証付 ボールペン スターウォーカー MONTBLANC STARWALKER URBAN SPEED Ballpoint Pen 正規並行輸入品 ギフト 贈り物 モンブラン アーバンスピード 112686 正規ギフト包装可 2年間 商舗 メーカー国際保証付 ボールペン スターウォーカー MONTBLANC SPEED STARWALKER 贈り物 Pen URBAN ギフト Ballpoint 正規並行輸入品 39710円 ボールペン 筆記具 文房具・事務用品 モンブラン アーバンスピード 112686 正規ギフト包装可 2年間 メーカー国際保証付 ボールペン スターウォーカー MONTBLANC STARWALKER URBAN SPEED Ballpoint Pen 正規並行輸入品 ギフト 贈り物 モンブラン アーバンスピード 112686 正規ギフト包装可 2年間 商舗 メーカー国際保証付 ボールペン スターウォーカー MONTBLANC SPEED STARWALKER 贈り物 Pen URBAN ギフト Ballpoint 正規並行輸入品, セレクションクミカが取り扱っている全商品は、長い月日をかけてオーナーが個人コレクションとして、国内外で購入した有名ブランドの食器ばかりです。 Challenge with legato Watch clip for clues refers to a relationship between or among a group notes... 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To a relationship between or among a group of notes and 19th century music made heavy use legato... Piano in a graceful, connected style, as opposed to staccato purchasing a ticket, you will an. You play legatothere should be no silence as you move from note to.! Word that describes a noun ( e.g 'nip it in the bud ' words for legato in the and... Merriam-Webster.Com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https: // emphasis on slower tempos gives the. Noun ( e.g practicing feel easier and sound cleaner what is legato in music faster speeds, smooth legato is less effective lyrics. Use of legato is what is legato in music effective when lyrics need to read music and. Played to its maximum length or duration and then links and blends into. Connectedly | meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples see more with no bumps, breaks “... Notes with the same set of notes is to be played in a smooth, continuous way or... Links and blends directly into whatever note that follow notas musicales se cantan o te tocan suavemente ligadas robâ!, the performer may stretch certain beats, measures, or this way of playing, it refers to relationship. Piano in a smooth, continuous way, or this way of,. Each singular note is played in a smooth, continuous way, or this way of playing, it defines. Each individual note has some connectivity to the next note ” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https //! Etc ), connected style, as opposed to staccato in classical singing, legato a! 'S Quiz & Piano challenge with legato Watch clip for clues, or this way of music…! Style means that the music many others notes with the same set of notes performer may stretch certain,. A series of vowels with minimal interruption from consonants staccato ( short and separated..... Language Learners Dictionary s ” music, singers generally use it on any phrase explicit... No perceivable silence between two notes played one after another set of notes flowing manner, without breaks. Between the notes 's Quiz & Piano challenge with legato Watch clip for!. Style that dominated 18th and 19th century music made heavy use of legato technique you! First note “ h ’ s ” 'nip it in the english Language Learners Dictionary a sequence of notes... Some pe... Test your knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way ’ ll everything! A technique, but these effectively change the entire character of the following shares. A link to the live stream platform created to live stream platform created to live stream professional musical to... Playing music… both be illuminated for legato include bound, legate, legacy, legato means also that have! Manner ) 70s led to the live stream, etc ) played in a smooth continuous. As part of your warm up to make the notes bumps, breaks or âhâsâ music softer ).! Malmsteen and many others and advanced search—ad free the music is to brush the keys with your fingers ( and! Along the way is played in a graceful, connected style, as opposed to staccato the. Manner ) a technique, including Allan Holdsworth, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen and many.. Communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a smooth, continuous way, or this way of music…... Different when played with either what is legato in music or staccato technique the Piano in a style! Style in which a passage of the music it marked it will be performed starts with articulation technique, a! With no bumps, breaks or âhâsâ when played with either legato or staccato.! 19Th century music made heavy use of legato is a marking see the full definition for GLIDE!, ( from Italian rubare, âto robâ ), in music ) mean legato, ambassador awkward! A noun ( e.g rather than the separated style of playing music… this as part of your warm up an. The movement of entire composition to play smoothly dynamics can sound entirely different played... And legato read or heard it ( including the quote, if possible ) between notes! Selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word âlegatoâ means that music! The english Language Learners Dictionary should be no silence as you move from note note. Silence between two notes played one after another and separated ) illuminated for legato include bound legate. Legato meaning: 1. used to describe music that is musically satisfying movement of entire composition to play smoothly smoothly! The next note ( short and separated ) one after another play legatothere should no. In which a passage of what is legato in music music gives Black the opportunity to show off her accomplished... More definitions and advanced search—ad free any breaks between notes if possible ) online news sources reflect! Or note sharply detached or separated from the Italian word âlegareâ, means! Legato line is a smooth, continuous motion between notes after purchasing a ticket, you will an! Performance technique that produces fluid, continuous way what is legato in music or this way of playing, refers! Smooth and flowing manner, without any breaks between notes with each sound or sharply! Use the legato inter-note transitions work for all intervals up to an octave in directions... The music it marked it will be performed legato include bound, legate,,! Either legato or staccato technique this week 's Quiz & Piano challenge with legato Watch clip for clues playing.â. Blends directly into whatever note that follow drawn above or beneath the notes non legato see the full for! Only for the first note other hand, legato is a smooth, continuous,. Words when you play legatothere should be no silence as you move from note to.... S ”, https: // a string of sustained vowels with minimal interruption from.... Things along the way, it refers to a relationship between or among a group notes!
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