We use change management KPI metrics, that’s how. This is sometimes called “naming and shaming,” but is more appropriately identified as public reports on infrastructure performance. You're in the section: Frequently Asked Questions -> Fragile or Conflict-Affected Countries -> KPIs for Transition/Transformation States – What are the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for evaluating sector performance and how can they be used effectively by regulators? When measuring the performance of an off-shore team, an effective framework revolves around the following parameters: 1. In your case, KPI's will center around the progress being made in migrating your users onto Windows 10, Office 365, a new hardware fleet and so on, and we will explore today which in particular you should be tracking and using to measure success. This article provides those of you responsible for Change Management with a suggested set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that you can utilize. For example, focusing on reducing the number of staff per thousand customers could lead to a number of inefficient outcomes: Cases: How Data Collection Helps Decision-makers Set Targets and Design Incentives. Berg, S., Water Utility Benchmarking: Measurement, Methodologies and Performance Incentives, 2010, London: International Water Association. Seek public comments and promote stakeholder awareness: Such a campaign, with media assistance, promotes improvements in utility operations. Note that the regulatory system goes beyond the regulatory agency and the service provider. If a system is failing every week, company employees will not be able to efficiently get their work completed. In the case of Uganda, the institutional framework for rural water supply draws upon data from 112 districts. Define institutional responsibilities and assign individual tasks: Accountability requires that all parties understand their rights and responsibilities, including deadlines for completing specific tasks. Prepare follow-up studies as part of the performance review: Benchmarking via. The Body of Knowledge on Infrastructure Regulation shows the links among the three major financial records: income statements, balance sheets and statements of cash flows. The vendor management KPIs that matter most to your business may not be the same as those prioritized by your competition. Engage in information dissemination: Reporting the results of performance comparisons helps engage stakeholders in the process. Context shapes the market, institutions, and the actions that are possible to take. ISO/IEC 20000® is a registered trademark of ISO. Each individual that is part of the guiding coalition generally represents some organization affected by changes in current institutional arrangements. During the awards ceremony, all media were invited to a dinner gala to ensure coverage, and the winner was awarded a medal along with one year of publicity on the RURA website (http://www.rura.rw/fileadmin/docs/CITY_CENTER_2014.jpg). Such behavior is destructive to organizational success. This data can help organizations make changes across departments. They’re not able to work efficiently or productively, and they’re dissatisfied with the workplace—or worse, the company itself. NWASCO collects a wide range of KPIs and has developed weights to be used for an overall performance score, with particular attention given to data quality. Promote citizen awareness: One way to educate the citizenry about actual performance levels (and to limit the impact of political rhetoric) is through greater transparency. Metrics is a quantifiable measure that allow businesses to define and track the success of a product or a business activity. The ranking team included representatives from the ministry in charge of transport, RURA, the public sector, the national police, and the consumer association. Established in 2004, it has worked with the operators’ association and other stakeholders to utilize KPIs to set tariffs and enforce compliance with service standards. (http://www.ppwsa.com.kh/, http://www.ppwsa.com.kh/en/index.php?page=sharingthereformprocess), Transformation Stage: Case of Electricity in Ethiopia: After a three-year study, in late 2013, the government of Ethiopia divided one state-owned giant electricity company into two. KPIs for Fragile States - What are the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for evaluating sector performance and how can they be used effectively by regulators? . Such analyses would go beyond the “trend analysis” conducted in more. “Possibilities and Limits of Urban Water Utilities in Africa Serving the Poor” (World Bank, forthcoming), KPIs for Transition/Transformation States – What are the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for evaluating sector performance and how can they be used effectively by regulators? Looking for good KPI examples? Selected issues faced by Fragile and Conflict-Affected States (FCSs) in relation to developing and improving infrastructure regulation are discussed in this set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). 2.1 . The following elements were utilized in the ranking scheme: Safety and Comfort: Random checks on vehicles for a number of components, including sound tires, fire extinguishers, functioning of all vehicle lights, phone number displayed for emergencies, cleanliness in the vehicle, and condition of seats. Eliminate information silos: Information is power—organizations are riddled with silos and little potentates who view themselves as gatekeepers. KPIs are a set of agreed measures or metrics used to define and evaluate the critical ... Whilst ongoing monitoring of performance is a key component to contract management, to be successful, it should always happen in conjunction with the provision of regular feedback. Penalties for noncompliance—What penalties are most effective when the operator is in noncompliance with regulatory rules (e.g., for providing data, setting prices, or meeting targets)? Zambia’s water regulator, National Water Supply and Sanitation Council (NWASCO), makes its annual sector reports available on the web on a timely basis. Read now! until it is either approved or rejected), Number of Emergency Changes assessed by the ECAB (Emergency Change Advisory Board), Number of major release rollouts under the control of Project Management, Percentage of projects which are started with a signed Project Charter in place, Number of changes to the Project Charter after project start, Actual vs. planned consumption of financial and personnel resources, Actual vs. planned project completion dates, Number of releases rolled out into the productive environment, grouped into Major and Minor Releases, Average duration of major deployments from clearance until completion, Number of releases which had to be reversed, Proportion of new releases distributed automatically, Percentage of release components which fail to pass acceptance tests, Number of identified errors during release testing, Time until re-submission of fixed release components, Number of Incidents attributable to new releases, Percentage of Service Acceptance Tests which fail to obtain the customer’s sign-off, Frequency of physical verifications of CMS contents, Number of Incidents reported where the underlying cause of the Incident is the result of inaccurate configuration management information, Average work effort for physical verifications of the CMS contents, Percentage of configuration components for which data is kept in the CMS, Number of unauthorized changes identified as a result of audits performed using automatic configuration update software, Number of errors found in the CMS as a result of an audit. KPI Library is a community for performance management professionals. Managers should aim for 20-30 percent of completed work being reactive. Similarly, comprehensive approaches are required for energy, transport and telecommunications. IT systems typically only “break” when changes are made without the right controls. Of course, all of this is contingent upon there being the political will to engage in such an initiative. KPIs . Generally, by the time any organization begins to realize the benefits from outsourcing, the Transition manager may no longer be involved. Assessment techniques provide the mechanism for measuring and evaluating the defined factors to evaluate progress or impact. Transition IT and enable users KPIs are designed to monitor IT service and usage changes. Such leadership should not be authoritarian but display humility, agility, authenticity and compassion. Income statements (particularly revenues, by source, operating expenditures and interest payments); Balance sheets (a snapshot at a particular point in time of assets, liabilities and net worth); and. http://www.rura.rw/fileadmin/docs/CITY_CENTER_2014.jpg, http://www.rura.rw/fileadmin/docs/OMEGA_2014.jpg, https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/2290/613090PUB0Afri158344B097808213845at58.pdf?sequence=1, https://www.econstor.eu/dspace/bitstream/10419/109178/1/818402369.pdf. USMBOK™ is a registered trademark of Virtual Knowledge Solutions International Incorporated (VKSII). It may be that tankers continue to play a major role in the provision of water for some period of time. Using KPIs: an Example. This is particularly relevant for countries in the Transformation stage. Typically is expressed in term… In the case of the Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA), there was a major turnaround from 1993 to 2006. [, Ability of poor households to afford water to meet at least basic needs. Ultimately, however, individuals move the situation forward. Also see https://www.nwsc.co.ug/index.php/about-us/ourprofile. Your KPIs are only as good as the tools you use to track them, and no project management software offers you features like ProjectManager.com. KPIs specify what is measured and assessment techniques detail how and when it will be measured. One of the most important ways of achieving both of these is by using key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor project progress. Berg, S., “Advances in Benchmarking to Improve Water Utility Operations,” Water Policy, 2012. KPI measures are used for quantifying management objectives. Public Participation - What are the most effective strategies for involving the public in regulatory issues? KPI Library is a community for performance management professionals. As was emphasized in the FAQ on information, such data will be captured in advanced information systems maintained by well-performing organizations. Here the focus is on nations in the Transition and Transformation stages, though there are lessons for less stable nations here, since foundations should be laid for later developments. Customers have access to information about the utility’s activities, finances and performance. (http://addisstandard.com/ethiopia-splits-state-owned-giant-public-utility-into-two/), Transformation Stage: Case of Rwanda: The Energy Sector Strategic Plan for Rwanda includes a large section on monitoring and evaluation, whereby an energy-sector working group and a number of other stakeholders provide opportunities for collaboration and cooperation. Gather raw data for yardstick comparisons: This stage involves the selection of the appropriate comparison group of companies or standards. Efficiency targets—What are reasonable efficiency targets? See http://www.nwasco.org.zm/jdownloads/Publications/Urban%20and%20Peri-Urban%20WSS%20Sector%20Reports/sector_report_2014.pdf (p. 4). Transparency is enhanced by having better information in the form of annual reports from operators (including business plans that identify the financial sustainability of operators, given the policy objectives developed by politicians and implemented by regulators). Here's a list of 136 KPIs that will help you to make data-driven decisions and accelerate business growth. Key performance indicators (KPI) are values that every business can measure and track – values that show the effectiveness of your performance as an organization toward your business objectives. -- COBIT® is a registered trademark of ISACA. Additionally, the sector regulator will be collaborating with a newly established institution, the Water Resource Management Authority (WARMA), to develop a long-term approach to sustainability in the nation’s water resources, since future price and availability of water to residences, industry and commercial enterprises depends on understanding hydrological patterns and future demands. People get enough water to at least meet basic health requirements. Those monitoring larger operators have a different set of challenges. Represent a variety of viewpoints while having a shared vision: The guiding coalition could be very small for a local project or larger for improving the ongoing operations of a utility in the capital city or a set of larger towns. Asset registries (installation date, capacity, location and maintenance records); Business plans (with targets and descriptions of managerial incentives for meeting those targets); and. The most complete project management glossary for professional project managers. Promoting efficiency—To what extent do incentives actually lead to improved efficiency? Perform data analyses: This crucial stage involves the application of methodologies appropriate for answering key questions. In particular, domestic politics can limit the effectiveness of regulatory institutions. But to attract private investments, information is very important to inform investors what the returns commensurate with the associated risks might be. Decision makers taking a leadership role in developing and implementing new institutional arrangements and associated incentives for improving performance have been called a guiding coalition. The list of KPIs, defined in D1.1, will be shared with D9.2, as D9.2 will go a step forward towards defining the necessary KPIs that will be used for the evaluation of each of the LHs and not only for the specific demonstrated solutions. Quality KPI monitoring is often an effective activity to providing a balanced scorecard in project management, throughout the life-cycle of a project. For example, for the water sector, operators of water tankers serving areas that are not part of a water network are likely to oppose network expansion in the beginning. As service delivery by the government begins to expand beyond the nation’s capital, determining the effectiveness of local initiatives becomes a key task for the regulator (or agency monitoring resource allocation and utilization). The current delivery system (pipes and tankers) needs to be examined, bringing on board those who are threatened by new and improved arrangements. For example, nonrevenue water was reduced from 72 percent in 1996 to six percent in 2010, and staff per 1,000 connections was reduced from 22 to three during that period. [. It is important to include stakeholders that are in a position to support, block or blunt reforms that would improve performance. So how do you know when change management is really working? CSFs . This transition is important because reactive work costs four-six times more than planned and scheduled work. % Admission Rate – a KPI that measures the flow of patients through the facility. Use KPI Library to search for Key Performance Indicators by process and industry, ask help or advice, and read articles written by independent experts. The following cases illustrate activity around the world in this area. Establishing what these should be for your organization doesn’t mean that you necessarily have to get creative and reinvent the wheel. This page was last edited on 15 June 2019, at 18:27. Cover the whole service delivery chain and related activities: Broad citizen awareness can help the guiding coalition gain leverage against those benefiting from current dysfunctional arrangements. The following figure, from the author’s Water Utility Benchmarking: Measurement, Methodologies and Performance Incentives, indicates the steps for starting a data-collection process for evaluating infrastructure performance—especially as applied to larger operators. Thompson, L. S. and H. Bente. Mugisha and Berg (2008) outline the steps taken by NWSC to improve performance in the absence of a formal sector regulator. The guiding coalition was spearheaded by the company general director, Ek Sonn Chan. Incentives - What are the ways to incentivize service expansion, performance and cost containment when a utility’s assets have not been maintained, cash flows are weak, and management is unresponsive to “traditional” penalties? Build on existing data collection frameworks where possible: Unless current management information systems are thoroughly flawed, data collection should draw upon existing definitions and procedures, with the goal of improving procedures. For simplicity these results can be presented in simple stop-light figures with green, yellow and red representing different levels of performance and arrows indicating the extent of improvement (or decline) in a, Establish rewards and penalties: There need to be clear procedures for planning and implementing incentives and corrective actions, where the incentives are commensurate with the benefits from achieving targets. These illustrate how a limited number of KPIs can be useful for analyzing patterns across countries and regions over time. Organizational KPI: the number of customer complaints that remain … Use KPI Library to search for Key Performance Indicators by process and industry, ask help or advice, and read articles written by independent experts. The guiding coalition and the benchmarking team should be drawn from within the utilities, appropriate government agencies, community groups, women’s organizations, and other local stakeholders. Building-focused KPIs. (For nations that are in the Transition and Transformation stages), (Response by Sanford Berg, with input from Jemima T. Sy and Anna Aghababyan). KPIs differ per organization." Both the operator and the regulator have the shared objective of improving sector performance, so a collaborative process involving key stakeholders is essential for a successful benchmarking initiative. Here's an example of how organizational strategy cascades down to an individual team member's goals and KPIs: Organizational Vision: to be known for high customer satisfaction and superior service. This KPI measures whether your organization is stuck in a culture of reactive maintenance or is moving toward world-class or high-performance maintenance. Kpi for project managers. Managers need to understand how these different reports capture the cumulative and annual inflows into and outflows from the firm. Or blunt reforms that would improve performance in the enterprise the new system KPIs... 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