In most instances, an interstate compact develops from a series of repeated interactions among key actors in participating states. More than 200 interstate compacts are in operation today, mostly regional and on a variety of issues, with the average state a party to 25. … Alaska belongs to 32 interstate compacts. Examples of well-known interstate compacts include the New York-New Jersey Port Authority Compact, the Emergency Management Assistance Compact, the Washington Metro Area Transit Authority Compact, the Multistate Tax Compact and the Multi-State Lottery Compact. The Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision (ICAOS) is a nation-wide agreement that allows the transfer of an offender’s supervision plan from one state to another after they are released from court, jail, or prison. Because no compacts challenged for want of congressional consent have ever been found to touch upon “political” matters, by treading either on federal interests or non-compacting states ' interests, the Supreme Court has never invalidated a compact under the Compact Clause (David E. Engdahl, Characterization of Interstate Arrangements: When Is a Compact Not a Compact?, 64 Mich. L. Rev. Its an agreement between one or more states as described in the Constitution: An interstate compact is an agreement between two or more states of t... First, there must be an agreement between two or more states. If no concerted effort is actually undertaken by two or more states, Congress has no power to review the state actions under the Interstate Compact Clause. INTRODUCTION The Nature of Interstate Compacts Compacts are agreements between two or more states that bind them to the wmpacts' provisions, just as a wnhslct binds two or more parties in a business deal. Recent examples include the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision and the Interstate Compact for Juveniles. One example is in states’ reciprocal supervision of probationers and parolees, a process defined by an interstate compact and administered by a national commission. E.g. nursing licence in one state recognized in another, concealed carry permit from one state recognized by another. Learn about the details of the Interstate Compact Agreement. DoD Instruction 1342.29 - Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children; Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunities for Military Children The Department of Defense, in collaboration with the National Center for Interstate Compacts and the Council of State Governments has developed an interstate compact that addresses the educational transition issues … Federal is the safest bet. An unsettled matter is the extent of the federal power to terminate an interstate compact. or "ICPC" means a uniform law that has been enacted by all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands which establishes orderly procedures for the interstate placement of children and sets responsibility for those involved in placing those children. Wiki User Answered 2011-12-20 23:45:24. 6 States enter these compacts for various reasons—to address complex interstate policy issues like cross-border crime, to administer shared Examples of well-known interstate compacts include the New York-New Jersey Port Authority Compact, the Emergency Management Assistance Compact, the Washington Metro Area Transit Authority Compact, the Multistate Tax Compact and the Southern Dairy Compact. All non-commissioner members of the Interstate Commission shall be ex-officio (non-voting) members. Learn interstate compact with free interactive flashcards. INTERSTATE COMPACTS Other examples of compact activity include the revision of existing interstate agreements; updating agreements that maintain relevance, but which require a modernization of their structures. The best online source for additional information about interstate compacts is the Legal authority for interstate compacts starts with the U.S. Constitution, which provides that "no state shall without the consent of Congress…enter into any agreement or compact with another state or with a foreign power." A . Interstate compacts; a question of federalism Item Preview > remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Compacts negotiated to bury low-level radioactive waste, for example, have been criticized for being controlled by the nuclear power operators who have the most to gain from the successful implementation of the agreement, while the local community that would be the host for the waste facility would have less to gain outside of increased tax revenues. Those compacts were introduced in 2016 and have been enacted in one state and three states, respectively. attorneys general, Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision, Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children, juvenile justice and juvenile corrections officials, and crime victims. F. ZIMMERMAN & M. WENDELL, THE LAW AND USE OF INTERSTATE COMPACTS 1, 2 (1976). EMBED. An interstate compact is an agreement between two or more states of the United States of America. Article I, Section 10 of the United States Consti... Offender – means an adult placed under, or made subject to, supervision as the result of the commission of a criminal offense and released to the community under the jurisdiction of courts, paroling authorities, corrections, or other criminal justice agencies, and who is required to request transfer of supervision under the provisions of the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision. Colorado is part of nine interstate river compacts, documents which govern the use of rivers crossing state lines.Key to equitable allocation of the West's most precious resource—water—the compact clause of the U.S. Constitution was first applied to rivers in the 1920s, an idea conceived and promoted by Greeley water lawyer Delph Carpenter. Interstates are generally limited access (1.) Some come with tolls; and 2.) don't have stop lights and have an on/off ramp.) and were created as a... The best known examples … Examples of the effective deployment of resources, people, and funds through interstate compacts can be found in responses to Hurricane Andrew, Hurricane Katrina, and during the 9/11 terrorist attacks. (See “Sources” for links to examples of interstate compact statutes.) Colorado River Compact I first noticed HB 34 on the morning of Feb 25 – just hours before it passed the House. … Those compacts were introduced in 2016 and have been enacted in one state and three states, respectively. Zimmerman’s latest book is a well-researched, detailed reference of interstate compacts with an emphasis on water-related compacts. As Daniel Douglas [ ] says, an interstate compact is an agreement between/among two or more states,... Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) Interstate Medical Licensure Compact (IMLC) Physical Therapy (PT) Compact; Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Compact; Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PsyPact) Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (ASLP) Compact; Occupational Licensure Interstate Compact in Action. However, Interstate compacts efforts may require a great deal of time to both develop and implement. the Interstate Commission of APRN Compact Administrators (“Commission”), and who is licensed to perform advanced nursing practice. 685 (1925); F. Zim… b. None of these compacts has a central admin-istrative office or active governing body. 682, 688, 692-93 (i96i). Interstate occupational licensure compacts allow professionals in licensed occupations to transcend state boundaries by creating uniform licensure requirements, FSMTB Executive Director Debra Persinger, PhD, told MASSAGE Magazine. As examples, the Interstate Compact on Juveniles In September 2020, CSG entered into a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Defense to support development of new interstate compacts for occupational licensure. HOW MANY INTERSTATE OMPA TS ARE THERE? Arizona belongs to 35 interstate compacts. a “law impairing the obligation of contracts.” A compact may involve parts or all of two states or all 50 states, as well as the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, United States territories, and Canadian provinces. Economic development subsidies have a long history and, unfortunately, they’re as American as •Share resources on telehealth and workforce development programs from HRSA and other partners. compacts. Learn about the details of the Interstate Compact Agreement. Interstate Compacts are one of the few tools specifically granted to states by the U.S. Constitution. I first noticed HB 34 on the morning of Feb 25 – just hours before it passed the House. Interstate Compact Law, an historical perspective: a. Compacts are rooted in the nation’s colonial past where agreements similar to modern compacts were utilized to resolve inter-colonial disputes, particularly boundary disputes. A voluntary arrangement between two or more states that is designed to solve their common problems and that becomes part of the laws of each state. and New Jersey—one of the most famous examples of interstate compacts—states mostly used compacts to address boundary issues rather than complex interstate challenges. Existing compacts. Arkansas belongs to … You will upload your Interstate Compacts, 2004 Michael L. Buenger I. Three interstate compacts currently address prison inmate transfers; one is national in scope, and two are regional arrangements between geographically proximal states. Discuss the importance of interstate licensure compacts as a method for increasing access to care and addressing workforce shortages. Numerous other compacts are listed in appendix M and discussed in chapter 5. INTERSTATE COMPACTS - LINK TO LEGISLATION OR LAWS - The items that are linked here are offered only as generic examples of interstate compact language. ers, compacts regarding river management and supervision of parolees and probationers). INTERSTATE COMPACTS State Solutions – By the states and . Regards, User:Ceyockey (talk to me) 00:35, 15 May 2006 (UTC) 1. States respect validity of public acts, records, juvenile proceedings of other States2. •Share information on interstate licensure compacts as a method for increasing access to care and addressing workforce shortages. Interstate Compacts 101 INTERSTATE COMPACTS Other examples of compact activity include the revision of existing interstate agreements; updating agreements that maintain relevance, but which require a modernization of their structures. This flexibility led Maine and Nebraska to pass laws allocating their votes based on presidential winners of congressional districts … 5 Compacts are financed in various ways; these can include state appropriations, proceeds from compact activities, foundation funds, and dues assessments. 6 Forms of Interstate Cooperation When facing common problems or pursuing similar agendas, states often reach out to other states. Sample 2. Basically, an interstate compact is an agreement wherein the states as parties to the compact agree to act in unison when it comes to the same issu... – Discuss the importance of interstate licensure compacts as a method for increasing access to care and addressing workforce shortages – Highlight examples demonstrating how expedited licensure processes have allowed physicians and other health care professionals to extend their reach by leveraging telemedicine. The Compact outlines the steps necessary to place a child out of State. Interstate compacts can be classified as bilateral, multilateral, sectional, and national. Revisiting these state compacts should be a first step in creating flexible response plans and resource sharing. For example, the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision, a national compact, became effective once it was enacted by 35 states. Interstate compacts are binding agreements between two or more states in which they accept the jurisdiction of other states over a shared resource, service or facility. III. The tables below show the compacts each state is involved in as of 2014. Q: What is the oldest interstate in the US? The interstate system was first described in a report to Congress in 1939. It was initially authorized... Compacts can help resolve interstate conflicts, but they often do nothing to resolve intra-state (but interbasin) conflicts. 6 See Emanuel Celler, Congress, Compacts, and Interstate Authorities, 26 LAW & CONTEMP. Recent examples include the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision and the Interstate Compact for Juveniles. Agreement between 2 or more states, ratified by the Congress. Example is the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey which runs the bridges and t... Interstate compacts are critical tools that allow states to cooperate with other states, Indian tribes or foreign jurisdictions on issues that cross jurisdiction boundaries. Finally, Congress may seek to amend or change an interstate compact after it has been approved. For many years after the Constitution was adopted, boundary disputes continued to predominate as the subject matter of agreements among the states. For example, some states may expunge records while others may not. [5] Other methods include direct negotiations by the governors themselves, promotion of compacts by the National Conference of State Legislatures,[6] and enactment by one state legislature of a proposed compact and an invitation by that state to others to enact identical statutes. Since the turn of the twentieth century, however, the interstate compact has been used to an increasing extent as an instrument for state cooperation in carrying out affirmative programs for solving common problems.2279 The execution of vast public undertakings, such as the development of the Port of New York by the Port Authority created by compact between New York and New Jersey, flood control, the … No . Examples of well-known interstate compacts include the New York-New Jersey Port Authority Compact, the Washington Metro Area Transit Authority Compact, the Emergency Management Assistance Compact, and the Southern Dairy Compact. Sentence Examples. You are correct -- these lists are incomplete. 2. These interstate compact agreements work to ensure that the agreements of a person’s conviction are upheld in another state. Effect of Interstate Compacts on States Not Party to Them cies mutually assist each other. Interstate compacts cover the alphabet from agriculture to water. 304.13, 304.135, 304.14, and 304.16, Stats. But Cuomo declined, saying politicians should not overrule judges and interstate compacts. Although the Department of Defense couched this development in language related to spouses of military … Agreements among States2. Interstate compacts are constitutionally authorized agreements used by states to reduce conflict and promote cooperation over a wide range of issues, including taxation, pollution, and the allocation of resources (Bowman, 2004; Zim-merman, 2002). Babalaas Compacts, in theory, can be a building block upon which more sophisticated agreements and administrative arrangements evolve, however in practice, this generally doesn’t happen. The Council of State Governments (CSG), through the National Center for Interstate Compacts, assist occupations in developing interstate compacts. Oklahoma belongs to 36 interstate compacts. Interstate Compacts States can with consent of congress enter into interstate compacts.1. Interstate compacts are new to us. examples from an earlier comparative study of 14 Western interstate water compacts that focus largely on supply-side eff orts (Schlager and Heikkila 2009). An advanced practice registered nurse is licensed in an APRN role that is congruent with an APRN educational program, certification, and Commission rules. Because no compacts challenged for want of congressional consent have ever been found to touch upon “political” matters, by treading either on federal interests or non-compacting states ' interests, the Supreme Court has never invalidated a compact under the Compact Clause (David E. Engdahl, Characterization of Interstate Arrangements: When Is a Compact Not a Compact?, 64 Mich. L. Rev. My feeling is that these lists are incomplete, but I don't have specific evidence to that effect. Define Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC). Examples have been brought to the attention of compact offices where some individuals and court professionals ... provisions of the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision. Share information on Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) programs and resources that support licensure compacts and telehealth. However, some are from the U.S. Code and CSG Suggested State Legislation volumes.The linked compacts are in htm, html, pdf and doc formats. Since the turn of the twentieth century, however, the interstate compact has been used to an increasing extent as an instrument for state cooperation in carrying out affirmative programs for solving common problems.11Footnote Frankfurter and Landis, The Compact Clause of the Constitution: A Study in Interstate Adjustments, 34 Yale L.J. Other examples of interstate compacts include one for Emergency Medical Services personnel, which was introduced in 2015 and has been enacted in seven states, as well as one each for psychologists and physical therapists. Four major institutional sources of vulnerability to climate change are identifi ed: variations in the types of rules, the scope of rules, state capacity, and interstate commission rules. For example, the State the View Researching Interstate Compacts - IV from GOVERNMENT 101 at Groves High School. Interstate compacts in the United States were first used by the American colonies to settle boundary disputes.

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